🌳 Fruit Trees & Edible Plants
1. Acerola (Barbados Sweet Cherry)
2. Apple (Low Chill)
• Anna
• Dorsett Golden
• Mutsu
• Ashmead Kernel
• Fuji
• Black Arkansas Spur
• Fountain (Hollywood) Pipin
• Pink Pearl & Others
• Makepeace
• Pink Lady
3. Apple, Rose (Eugenia jambos)
4. Atemoyas (Hybrid between Cherimoya & Sugar Apple)
5. Bananas (Fruiting, Common)
• Dwarf Orinoco
• Iho Lena
• Manzano (Apple Banana)
• Mysore (Lady Finger)
6. Hawaiian Apple
7. Ice Cream Banana
8. Rare Types of Bananas:
• Dwarf Apple (Santa Karita)
• Dwarf Jamaican Red
9. Berries:
• German Thornless
• Tropical Blackberry
• Elderberry (5 types)
• Gooseberry or Poha
• Goji (Chinese Wolfberry)
10. Cactus Fruits (Prickly Pears/Tuna) (Red, Orange, Yellow)
11. Carob (Ceratonia siliqua)
12. Carissa (Natal Plum)
13. Ceriman (Monstera deliciosa)
14. Cherimoya (Annona cherimola)
15. Dragon Fruits (8+ types, red-pink and white flesh)
16. Pitahaya (Cactus Fruit, Spineless)
17. Cherries:
• Brazilian Cherry (Eugenia dombeyi)
• Capulin Cherry / Tropical Cherry (Prunus salicifolia)
• Cherry of the Rio Grande (Eugenia aggregata)
• Jaboticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora)
• Java Plum (Syzygium cumini)
• Piombin (Eugenia luschnathiana)
• Surinam Cherry (Eugenia uniflora)
• Sweet Cherries (Lapins, Stella, Craig’s Crimson, Royal Rainier, Minnie Royal, Royal Lee)
18. Citrus:
• Mexican Lime
• Blood Orange
• Sweet Lemon
• Satsuma Tangerines
• Chandler Pummelo
• Oro Blanco
• Dom and Lee Mandarins
19. Coffee (Kona)
20. Curry Leaf (Famous Indian spice tree)
21. Figs:
• Alma, Panache (Tiger Fig), Tena, Celeste
• White Kadota, Ventura (Strawberry Pig), Black Mission
• Excell, Ventura Black Mission, Jelly, Pasquale
22. Ginger (Edible):
• White Flowering Ginger
• Red, Pink & Kahili Yellow Flowering Ginger
23. Grapes:
• Concord, Gold Muscat, and others
24. Guavas (Tropical - Psidium guajava)
• Beaumont, Hong Kong Pink, Allahabad White, Indian Red, Pear
• Krom Toon Khao (Thailand), Ruby X Guava, Bangkok, Oro, Yaii, Ranch, La Ranch
25. Guavas (Psidium cattleianum)
• Red Strawberry, Yellow Strawberry
26. Ice Cream Bean (Inga edulis)
27. Jackfruit
28. Jecoh (Polynesian edible tuberous plant)
29. Jujube, Chinese (Ziziphus jujuba)
30. Kiwi Vines (Actinidia chinensis) (Low chill)
31. Kei-Apple (African Gooseberry)
32. Loquat (Seedlings & Grafts: Gold Nugget, White, Tanakas, Chinese)
33. Longan (Euphoria longan)
34. Lychee (Litchi chinensis)
35. Mango (Mangifera indica) (Seedlings & Grafts: Haden, Kent, Keitt, Manila, Pine, Julie)
36. Mulberries:
• Black, Persian, Riviera Eastern, Phils White, Phils Best, Florida Giant, Pakistan Purple
• Chinese Mulberry (Che - Cudrania tricuspidata)
37. Persimmons (Japanese - Diospyros kaki)
• Orthoard-Fuyu, Giant Fuyu, Hachiya
38. Pineapples (Ananas comosus)
39. Plums (Santa Rosa, Burgundy, Flavor Grenade, Dapple Dandy)
40. Peaches (Red Baron, Mid Pride, Babcock, Sauzee King Donut, Fantasia Nectarine)
41. Pears (Sugar in D’Anjou Pear & Warren)
42. Quince (Pineapple-Round, Perfume-Elliptical)
43. Pomegranates (Sweet: Fleshman, King, Balagal, Phils Sour)
44. Sapotes:
• Black Sapote (Diospyros digyna)
• Mamey Sapote (Pouteria sapota)
• White Sapote (Casimiroa edulis)
45. Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola)
46. Sugar Cane (Yellow, Red & Striped, Madame Meizelle)
47. Tamarind (Tamarindus indica)
48. Tree Tomato (Cyphomandra betacea)
49. Passion Fruit:
• Purple Passion (Passiflora edulis)
• Yellow Granadilla (P. ligularis, Lilikoi)
• Red Fredrick (P. edulis flavicarpa)
50. Papayas:
• Solo Hawaiian, Sunrise Strawberry, Red Mexican
• Babaco (Carica pentagona)
51. Pepino Dulce (Solanum muricatum)
52. Nut Trees:
• Chestnut (Italian & Chinese)
• Jojoba
• Macadamia (Keahou, Cate)
• Walnuts (Black & English)
• Malabar Chestnut
• Almonds (All-in-One)
🌺 Flowering Trees, Shrubs & Vines
53. Elderberry (Edible berry, 5 types)
54. Butterfly Bush (Buddleia)
55. Golden Trumpet (Tabebuia chrysoticha)
56. Red Leaf Poinsettia
57. Silk Floss Tree
58. Blue Hibiscus
59. Cape Chestnut
60. Jacaranda
61. White Orchid Tree
62. Thunbergias
63. Madagascar Geranium
64. Mexican Sunflowers
65. Persian Rose
66. Red Poinsettia
🌸 Fragrant Plants & Trees
67. Allspice (Pimenta officinalis)
68. Angel Trumpet (Tree Datura)
69. Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis)
70. Bay-Rum
71. Fragrant Clerodendron
72. Gum Arabic
73. Jasmine (Night Blooming)
74. Sassafras Bush
75. Stephanotis Vine
76. Plumeria
77. Spider Lilies (Crinum asiaticum)
78. Cup of Gold Golden Trumpet